Run a Program

Interested in running or think that your local facility should run a program in partnership with Squash BC? Find details for our programs below.

Post Secondary Program

The BC Jesters Program aims to provide Post-Secondary students with access to squash programming so that they can build a love for the sport. Squash BC partners with Post-Secondary Institutions and coaches across the province to deliver this key program.

If you are a Post-Secondary Institution recreation staff member or a student interested in taking squash programming at your school, please reach out to for more information.

Squash Starters or other Junior Programming

Squash Starters Programs and Events introduce young players to progressive balls and junior racquets, which allow them to learn and compete with skill-level and age-appropriate equipment. As well, a focus on play-based learning allows participants to stay active for a larger portion of a session, while developing the skills needed in squash play.

Squash Starters Programs are minimum-six-week sessions of structured squash programming focused on play-based learning, which supports the athletic development of participants, on and off the squash court!  Participants will be led by a Safe Sport-compliant program leader, who will guide participants towards meeting the Squash BC physical, tactical, and technical competencies for each level of play. Squash Starters Programs can vary from club to club, as the program leader has the freedom to put their own spin on the program contents and delivery – but ALL Squash Starters Programs are focused on safe, fun, and effective athlete development!

Not all Junior Programs need to be Squash Starters! If you are interested in running your own junior programming, or would like your local facility to, and would like assistance from Squash BC please reach out to We want to be involved in your programs!

Roving Ambassador Program

The Squash BC Roving Ambassador Program provides rural and historically underserved squash communities with access to high-quality squash programming. Our Roving Ambassadors visit communities across the province to deliver events, programs, and lessons, with the goal of developing local community champions and building interest for ongoing squash activity.

We are currently scheduling our 2022-23 Roving Ambassador Tour season. As tours are booked, they will be listed here. For more information or to book a tour, reach out to