Sport Accident Insurance


Our Sport Accident Insurance is meant to be a supplement to your BC Health Care Premiums and any other 3rd party insurance you have. It is not designated to be a primary source of coverage. You must also be paying your BC Health Premiums to be entitled to the coverage.

Dental – Up To $1,000

For dental treatment resulting from injury to sound natural teeth and completed within 52
weeks of the accident.

Accident Reimbursement – Up To $10,000

For costs not insured by Provincial Medical Plan, including crutches, splints, medical
braces, emergency ambulance, excess physiotherapy, prescription drugs for the injury,
etc., incurred within 52 weeks of the accident.

Principal Sum Benefits – Up To $20,000

In the event of Loss of Use of Hands, Arms, or Legs: Quadriplegia, Paraplegia,
Hemiplegia; Loss of Speech and Hearing or Dismemberment occurring within 52 weeks of the accident (benefit as scheduled).

Accidental Death – Up to $10,000

In the event of accidental death occurring within 52 weeks of the accident:

  • Fracture Indemnity Benefit: Up to $500 paid for fracture of bone or bones (including chip and linear fractures).
  • Rehabilitation Indemnity Benefit: Up to $3,000 for special occupational training required due to an accident.
  • Tuition Fees Reimbursement: Up to $2,000 for tutorial services made necessary by post-accident confinement.
  • Emergency Transportation Benefit: Up to $50 for transportation from arena or field to nearest hospital or doctor’s office.
  • Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses Expense: Up to $100 for repair or replacement of eyeglasses or contact lenses when damage results from an accident which required the Insured Person to receive treatment by a physician or dentist

Limitations and Exclusions

No benefit shall be payable for any loss resulting directly or indirectly, wholly or partially
from any of the following causes:

  • purchase, repair, or replacement of eyeglasses, contact lenses or prescriptions thereof (except as otherwise provided)
  • sickness or disease either as a cause or effect
  • any intentionally self-inflicted injury
  • any of the hazards of aviation except while riding as a fare paying passenger in a licensed aircraft operating on a regular scheduled service between airports
  • declared or undeclared war, invasion or civil war, or any act thereof
  • service in the armed forces of any country
  • any benefits that are available under any Government Health Insurance Plan, whether enrolled in such a plan or not
  • dental and/or other expense benefits shall be for the excess of expenses payable under any other benefit plan or policy
  • an insured person who is not a resident of any Canadian province that has enacted Medical Care Legislation unless stated specifically in this policy

This insurance is subject to and shall not contravene any Federal or Provincial statutory
requirements with respect to hospital or medical plans, nor shall it duplicate any benefits
which are provided under any Federal or Provincial Hospital or Medical Plans, or any other policy providing a reimbursement indemnity.