Welcome Jess Alexandor and Arnold Acosta to the team! Jess joins the team are our new Community Initiatives Coordinator and Arnold joins the team as the new Sports Coordinator Intern.


Jess has always had a passion for living an active lifestyle. She has always been dedicated to encouraging others to get excited about sports. She began by instructing snowboarding with her CASI Level 2 certification, and has since worked in summer camps. Jess is deeply committed to creating inclusive, welcoming, and equitable environments in sport. Jess is thrilled to join the Squash BC team! She looks forward to contributing to the growth of the grassroots program, addressing barriers to accessibility in sports, and fostering positive experiences for new squash players across the province.



Arnold comes from an extensive background of sports and recreation, but now focuses on volleyball. He coaches locally at the high school and club level, alongside working towards getting his provincial badge as a referee in volleyball. In recreation, Arnold works at various community centres in the Vancouver area, where he has gained knowledge in programming, marketing, event planning/management, and community-engagement. Arnold continues to grow his passion in recreation and giving back as much as he can to the sporting community in BC.


Learn more about Jess and Arnold and the rest of the Squash BC staff!