Squash BC is would like to invite all Squash BC coaches and members to attend the Inclusive Physical Literacy Coaching Course for free! In partnership with Canadian Tire Jumpstart and our new Wheelchair Squash Program, this workshop will provide participants with the resources to understand the importance of physical literacy development for participants of all abilities. This workshop will take participants through what universally accessible programs are and how to plan and create them. It will also help participants to develop their adaptations to fundamental movement skills to allow for different disability types to participate and have a quality first involvement experience.
The course educates participants on many topics and will provide them with skills to promote Inclusive Physical Literacy at their clubs including:
- Examine the definitions of physical literacy.
- Describe the components of physical literacy.
- Examine equity and inclusion as it relates to physical literacy programming.
- Define positive behaviour support.
- Describe the role of positive behaviour support in supporting participants of all abilities.
- Discuss the Universal Design principles as it relates to inclusive physical literacy practices.
- Identify appropriate adaptations for various types of disabilities, based on the universal design principles.
The course will be hosted on Thursday, February 29 from 10 AM to approximately 1 PM. We encourage all coaches to complete this virtual workshop to improve their inclusive programming opportunities at your club. All coaches will also receive 3 PD points towards their coaching certification maintenance requirements. Registration is now open on the Sport for Life website.
Registration Instructions:
We have received the feedback that some people have encountered some issues when signing up for the course through the Sport for Life Campus platform. Please follow these instructions to register successfully:
- Navigate to the Sport for Life Website using the Sign Up link above or (https://sportforlife-sportpourlavie.ca/catalog_classroom_detail.php?courseid=18&country=CA&province=BC).
- Login or create an account.
- If you are taken back to the Inclusive Physical Literacy course page, hit the Register Now button and follow the instructions.
- If you are not, navigate to this link (while being logged in): https://sportforlife-sportpourlavie.ca/student/catalog_classroom_detail.php?courseid=2
- Hit the Register Now button and follow the instructions.
- If you are prompted for payment at any point in the process, do not proceed. The course fees are covered by Squash BC.
- If you want to sign up but still encounter issues, email executivedirector@squashbc.com and we will manually add you to the course (Note: you will still need to create a Sport for Life account to receive your NCCP points)