Squash BC thanks everyone who took the time to complete our Vancouver Squash League (VSL) Feedback Survey. This provided us with many valuable insights as to how to effectively progress the league forward towards growth, sustainability, and participant enjoyment.

Based on the results of the survey (which are included below) and internal feedback on administrative processes, we are making several key updates to the league for the January-April 2023 league session. These changes come into effect January 1, 2023 and will be considered under review and may be updated again before September. As well, further updates may be added.

Note: You may have noticed communications coming from our new contact email for VSL: vsl@squashbc.com. This address will be used for all VSL communications going forward. Please whitelist this address to ensure you don’t miss out on league communications. The existing info@vancouversquashleague.com address will remain active until December 31, 2022.

Summary of VSL Updates

Registration & Team Size

Team Registration: Survey respondents were in favour of moving from Individual Registration to Team Registration, with 42% of respondents favouring registering by team, and 75% of respondents either preferring that option or being indifferent. As well, individual registration has proved to be an administrative challenge for Squash BC for a program of this type, with many registrants confused about the steps required. Therefore, VSL will shift to Registration by Team for the January Session and beyond. More information on January Registration is included below.

Team Size: Survey respondents were relatively in favour of using a four-player lineup during the regular season (59%) and a five-player lineup during playoffs (63%). This format will continue into the January session.

Registration Term: As this is mid-season, no changes will be made to registration term at this point, however Squash BC intends to offer a full-season (September-April) team registration option starting in September.

Post-Squash Social Activities

It is overwhelmingly clear that Post-Squash Social Activities are an important part of VSL, with 92% of respondents saying a social component should be required. Squash BC acknowledges that VSL is both a competitive and social league and we will continue to work towards making both components the best they can be.

Social Requirements: A majority of respondents were in favour of only beverages being required for post-squash social activities (59%). As well, 56% of respondents supported the home team purchasing the night’s beverages, while all players would be responsible for their own food. These requirements will continue going forward.

As well, Squash BC understands that not everyone can stay for post-squash social activities. However, as it is a key component of the league, we recommend at least two members from each team stay. Instances of an entire team leaving before post-squash social activities should be reported to vsl@squashbc.com as they will be considered when assessing registration for the following league session.

Juniors in VSL

Squash BC acknowledges that VSL in its current form is primarily an adult league. However, we do not want to discourage the junior participants in the league and want to find the best format for everyone’s participation and the league’s growth overall.

Through a divisional assessment of the leagues sentiment towards juniors, we have developed the following definition of a Junior Player for use in the following requirements, when applied to the adult divisions of VSL:

VSL Junior Player Definition: A Junior Player is defined as any VSL participant aged 11-16, with an active Club Locker rating below 4.5 (as of a specific match date).

Therefore, players aged 17 and above, and those performing at a level of 4.5 and above will not be restricted by the following requirements.

Juniors Per Match Line-Up: A large majority of respondents (72%) indicated that either one or zero juniors should be allowed in an evening’s four-player line-up. Therefore, VSL will limit the number of juniors allowed in an evening’s lineup to one during regular season play. If a team fields two or more spots with juniors, only the top match will be counted as scored. All other matches will be considered defaults in favour of the opposing team. Note: During playoffs when line-up size is increased to five, a maximum of two juniors can be included.

Juniors will be held to the same standards as adults when competing in an adult division, meaning they will be required to stay and referee. As well, a team should ensure some of its members can stay for post-squash social activities, even when a spot is filled by a junior.

Junior League: In an effort to provide a more appropriate competitive opportunity for the juniors that will be restricted out of participating in the adult divisions of VSL, Squash BC is excited to be relaunching VSL’s Junior League. More details about this league and its registration are included below.

We have included the rules above in our updated Vancouver Squash League – Rules and Regulations.

January VSL Information & Registration

Key Dates:

  • Team Registration Deadline: January 4th, 2023 @ 11:59 PM
  • Schedule Release Date: January 9th, 2023
  • First Week of Play: January 23rd, 2023

Team Registration

Registration for the Winter 2023 Season will be $300+GST per team. Teams can register an unlimited number of players on their team, as long as a player is not registered on another team. Team registration will also include a box of 12 Dunlop Pro (Double Dot) balls for use during league matches (additional balls required during regular season will be the responsibility of the team and/or club).

Captains are encouraged to discuss with your club administrators/pros on how the club will be handling registration for the upcoming season. Club Administrators/Pros or captains can submit a Team Registration Application Form for the upcoming season through the registration form.

An invoice will be sent in the first week of January for all teams that have registered for the season. These can be addressed to and paid by either the Club or a team representative (captain, treasurer, etc.). Please confirm with your club administrators on how they would like this completed. Payments will be due a few weeks into the league and can be paid by e-transfer, cheque, or credit card. More details will be distributed in early January.

Team Registration Application Form

Player Spare Registration

Players that would like to register as a Spare for the season can register on the Club Locker Registration Page. Your contact information will be shared with team captains to use if they are in need of a spare.

Player Waitlist

Players that are not affiliated with a VSL club or those whose club does not have a team at the appropriate skill level can register for the Player Waitlist. If enough similar skill level players register a new team will be formed. If not enough players register to field a full team, VSL will contact clubs to see if they have any roster spots available on their teams (and are allowed to take in external players). Registration Deadline for this process is January 4th, 2022. Players interested in joining the waitlist can register on the Club Locker registration page.

Note: All players in any of the three registration methods must have a valid Squash BC membership.

VSL Feedback Survey Results

A summary of results from the VSL Feedback Survey are below. We encourage you to click through the embedded interactive slide deck and use the Data Filters shown at the left side of most slides to see how questions were answered by specific division ranges, genders, and more filters. If you encounter issues with the embedded version below, you can open the slide deck in a browser here: Vancouver Squash League – Feedback Survey Results