The Squash BC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM over Zoom. The AGM will at least include the following agenda items:

  1. Call to order
  2. Establishment of quorum
  3. President’s welcome address
  4. Approval of the agenda
  5. Approval of minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  6. Presentation of reports
  7. Appointment of Auditors (if any)
  8. Business as specified in the meeting notice (including By-laws amendments and considerations of Member Proposals (if any))
  9. Approval of the budget
  10. Election of new Directors
  11. Adjournment

The full agenda, details/supporting materials for any motions, and all reports will be distributed in the coming weeks as part of the 2022 AGM Package. Squash BC encourages all our members to attend our AGM. Meeting registration will be distributed soon.

Should you have any questions about the Squash BC AGM, please direct them to