Squash BC is thrilled to announce the expansion of our Squash Starters Program this spring, funded by our recent successful grant application to the BC Sport Participation Program from viaSport. This grant will allow us to reach hundreds of new junior squash players, with a particular focus on girls aged six to twelve.

Squash BC will be partnering with local facilities and program providers across the province to put forth an incredible spring of Squash Starters Programs. Partner facilities can apply to receive up to $1500 to support twelve weeks of programming, along with progressive squash equipment from our partners Black Knight and Dunlop, and localized marketing to recruit new participants. Program Leaders can also apply for a coach education subsidy to offset the costs of training, certification, and safe sport courses.

Those interested in putting forth Squash Starters Programs this spring can learn more in our Program Overview and Program Guide before submitting an application. Prospective participants will learn more about partner program locations soon.

Squash BC thanks the BC Sport Participation Program and viaSport for supporting the Squash Starters Program. This program is also graciously supported by the BC Community Gaming Grant, the Squash BC 20/20 Fund, and the Squash BC Growth Initiative.

Squash Starters – Spring 2022 Program Overview

Squash Starters – Spring 2022 Program Guide

Squash Starters – Spring 2022 Application Form

Coaching Foundations Course – Availability Form

For more information, contact us: sportdevelopment@squashbc.com