On December 22, 2021 the Government of BC PHO released the new order that covers both Friday’s announcement on the suspension of all sports tournaments and related travel until January 31, 2022 and Tuesday’s announcement requiring gyms/fitness centres to close until January 18, 2022. You can read the full order here: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/covid-19/covid-19-pho-order-gatherings-events.pdf
On December 23, 2021, Viasport released its updated Return to Sport Restart Chart. This chart interprets the order in relation to sport. You can view it here: https://www.viasport.ca/sites/default/files/Return_to_Sport_Restart_2.0_Chart_December-23-2021.pdf
Squash BC continues to keep in touch with our member facilities on how to interpret the new restrictions in relation to squash.