Squash BC is pleased to share that we were selected by Canadian Tire Jumpstart to receive a grant from their Sport Relief Fund. The fund helps community sport organizations like ours continue to provide access to sport and play for Canadian kids. This grant will go a long way towards helping us in our planned recovery from COVID.
With the funding received through this grant, Squash BC will:
- Develop marketing materials and messaging for our squash facilities to encourage their members of all ages to return to the game and start playing. As well, develop marketing materials, messaging and a suite of ideas of how squash facilities can engage new members including under-represented youth.
- Develop new programming for under-represented youth (including Girls, Youth with Disability, New Canadians, Indigenous Community) to help build the number of youth being introduced to squash and retaining them in our game as a sport for life.
- Redesign Squash BCs Junior Pathway program to accommodate the current situation as well as what the new normal will be given COVID.
- Develop other tools and resources to support our squash facilities as they implement Squash BC’s Return to Squash plan with a focus on youth.
- Deliver more programming remotely.
Thank you Canadian Tire Jumpstart for your support of squash in BC!