Squash BC, in conjunction with Squash Canada, offers a variety of learning opportunities to develop important skills and knowledge to increase your expertise in running squash programs at your local facility. Throughout the year, Squash BC hosts various coaching courses and multi-sport modules, which can be found on our Calendar of Events. Squash BC members that are interested in learning more about the coaching pathway and programs should contact More information regarding the Squash Canada Coaching Program can be found at

Upcoming Coaching Courses

Women’s Only Community Coaching Course

  • Learning Facilitator: Tasha Doucas
  • Date: Tuesdays April 22, 29, May 6
  • Time: 6 to 9 PM (Must attend all 3 dates to complete training)
  • Venue: Vancouver Clubs
  • Fee: $75 + GST (Discounted Rate, compared to regular $125 + GST)

How Do You Become a Certified Squash Coach?

Want to Learn about the Squash Canada Coaching Pathway? Check out this video which contains all the information you need to know about the Squash Canada Coaching Pathway, from how to get started all the way to coaching the top athletes in Canada.


Squash Canada currently offers five coaching pathways that are recognized by the Coaches Association of Canada. The various pathways are targeted with focus areas of development around the level athletes and the experience of the coach. The current five streams of the Squash Canada Coaching Pathway are:

The various pathways are non-linear, meaning you can start your coach pathway at any level depending on the athletes you will be working with. Learn more about the Squash Canada Coaching Pathways.

Interested in taking a Coaching Course?

Squash BC is actively looking to support coaches in their development pathway. If you’re interested in taking a coaching course or NCCP multi-sport module, please complete our Coaching Course Interest Form. Squash BC aims to host several courses at a variety of levels each year.

Coach Evaluations

Coaches that have completed all pre-evaluation requirements can request an assessment by completing a Coach Evaluation Request Form which will assign you one of Squash BC’s Coach Evaluators.

Certification Requirements

Stream Community Sport  Instruction – Beginner Instruction – Intermediate Competition – Introduction Competition – Development
Pre-requisites for the Squash Course Coaching in Squash eLearning module Coaching in Squash eLearning module Coaching in Squash E-Learning Module Coaching in Squash E-Learning Module Coaching in Squash E-Learning Module
Squash Course Community Squash Instructor Coaching Foundations Course Intermediate Instructor Course Intermediate Instructor Course Provincial Coach Course
Multisport Courses  
  1. Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning module
  2. Make Ethical Decisions module
  3. Emergency Action Plan eLearning module
  4. Planning a Practice module
  5. Nutrition eLearning module
  1. Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning module
  2. Make Ethical Decisions module
  3. Emergency Action Plan eLearning module
  4. Planning a Practice module
  5. Basic Mental Skills module
  6. Design a Basic Sport Program module 
  7. Teaching and Learning module
  1. Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning module
  2. Make Ethical Decisions module
  3. Emergency Action Plan eLearning module
  4. Planning a Practice module
  5. Basic Mental Skills module
  6. Design a Basic Sport Program module 
  7. Teaching and Learning module
  1. Coach Initiation in Sport eLearning module
  2. Make Ethical Decisions module
  3. Emergency Action Plan eLearning module
  4. Manage a Sport Program module 
  5. Developing Athletic Abilities module
  6. Coaching and Leading Effectively module
  7. Managing Conflict module 
  8. Psychology of Performance module
  9. Prevention and Recovery module
  1. Making Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation
  2. Squash Assistant evaluation: Portfolio (Candidate Profile, Emergency Action Plan, Pre-designed Lesson Plan for ‘Presenting a Stroke’)
  3. Formal Observation (Candidate is observed analyzing skills and support of athletes in training to a beginner)
  4. Debrief │ Squash Instructor evaluation: Portfolio (Candidate Profile, Emergency Action Plan, Group or Individual Lesson Plan/Template)
  5. Formal Observation (Candidate is observed delivering a structured and organized group or individual lesson to novices and better beginners.)
  6. Debrief
  1. Making Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation
  2. Candidate Portfolio (Candidate Profile Form, Emergency Action Plan, First Aid and CPR or Defibrillator)
  3. Formal Observations (Candidate is observed teaching either a group OR an individual lesson with low intermediate recreational player(s).)
  4. Debrief
  1. Candidate Portfolio (Candidate Profile Form, Emergency Action Plan, First Aid and CPR or Defibrillator)
  2. Formal Observations (Candidate is observed teaching an individual lesson with an intermediate competitive player who is perfecting strokes AND Candidate is observed during a 90 minute group training session for competitive intermediate players.)
  3. Debrief
  1. Making Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation
  2. Managing Conflict online evaluation
  3. Leading Drug Free Sport online evaluation
  4. Candidate Portfolio (Candidate Profile Form, Emergency Action Plan, Athlete Profile Form); 3 Written Sport-specific evaluations (Annual Training Plan (YTP), Training Session Planning, Program Management)
  5. 3 Formal Observations (Support at the Competition Site, Video Analysis of Competitive Performance, Training Session)
  6. Debrief

Safe Sport

Coaches that are coaching Squash BC sanctioned programming are required to meet Squash BC’s Safe Sport Requirements. These requirements help protect both athletes and coaches with best practice education to help prevent and respond to difficult situations you might encounter with your program participants. These requirements also ensure that your program participants, spectators, support teams, and other coaches are welcomed in a safe, inclusive, and protected sport environment. Coaches are required to complete:

Squash BC recommends any Program Leader and/or Coach across BC complete all of the above courses and modules. Learn more about Safe Sport at Squash BC.